Library Closed for Presidents Day

We will be closed at our temporary Heritage Hotel location on Monday, February 17.

Now Open: Temporary Location in Heritage Hotel

Visit our temporary location in the Heritage Hotel to pick up holds and for limited book browsing. Our virtual and offsite events (primarily at Parks & Recreation) continue!

Teen Spring 2024 Book Bingo

A purple slide with the text "Teen Spring 2024 Book Bingo. On Paper and on Beanstack! Grades 6-12, March 1 to May 31" and a picture of a book bingo card

A picture of Book Bingo Cards and the submission box in the Teen Department

March 1 through May 31 • Grades 6–12

Enter to win a $50 Visa Gift Card by participating in Book Bingo! To get started, pick up a Book Bingo Card from the Teen Department anytime during library open hours or use Beanstack to fill out your bingo card virtually.

Book bingo is like regular bingo, but instead of numbers and letters, each square has a type of book on it (such as “mystery” or “the favorite book of a friend or relative”). To make bingo, complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line by reading books in the corresponding categories! Each bingo you make counts as one entry for a $50 Visa Gift Card Raffle Prize! Fill out your whole board and get a special Southbury Library travel mug filled with candy!


  • Book titles may only be used once per Bingo Card; each entry has to be a different title.
  • Books must be read during the March 1 to May 31 period.
  • One bingo (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) counts as one entry for a $50 Visa Gift Card.
  • If you complete all 24 categories, get a Southbury Library Teen Department mug filled with candy.
  • All Spring 2024 Teen Book Bingo entries are due by Friday, May 31, 2024. Beanstack entries are due by 11:59pm that day and paper entries are due to the library by 5:30pm.
  • The winner will be drawn from all eligible Beanstack and paper entries and will be notified at the contact information provided.

All entries are due by Friday, May 31; paper entries must be received by 5:30pm and Beanstack entries must be received by 11:59pm.

Looking for books that fit certain topics? You can search in our catalog, take a look at our Teen Book Topic & Genre Lists, or ask a staff member the next time you're in the library. Starting on Friday, March 15 we will have a binder of suggested books for each topic.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Public Library

Book Bingo Celebration: Friday, May 31 from 4-5pm

Join us for our Book Bingo Celebration party to chat about the books you read and enjoyed with others who participated in Book Bingo! Please join us even if you did not finish Book Bingo; the only requirements are to have read most of at least one book that fits a category, and a desire to chat about what you read. We'll have a loaded popcorn bar with plenty of toppings to choose from! Registration is required so we know to expect you; please sign up here!