Library Closed for Presidents Day

We will be closed at our temporary Heritage Hotel location on Monday, February 17.

Now Open: Temporary Location in Heritage Hotel

Visit our temporary location in the Heritage Hotel to pick up holds and for limited book browsing. Our virtual and offsite events (primarily at Parks & Recreation) continue!

Music & More from Down Under and Beyond: Didgeridoo Concert!

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Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Join us on a journey to Australia and beyond. Virtuoso didgeridoo player Rob Thomas mixes funky didgeridoo rhythms, worldly percussion instruments and relaxing soundscapes with a virtual landscape of Australian forests, deserts, oceans and distant galaxies. Come enjoy this mesmerizing journey of sight, sound and imagination!

The didgeridoo has been played by Australia's Aboriginal people for at least 1,500 years, and Rob explains its history and connections to the modern day. Audience members are encouraged to participate in a Q&A session after the show.

Rob is a true didgeridoo pioneer in the U.S. He has been making and playing didgeridoos for almost 30 years; has performed throughout the country; has recorded several CDs; and has produced music for numerous films, including the IMAX movie Sacred Planet. He is an expert in the virtual realm, and he has invested hundreds of hours in his professional production studio to create enthralling online shows and workshops. He takes pride in delivering superbly high-quality live virtual experiences!

Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this event is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. Registration is required. This program is sponsored by the Charles H. and Ella Emery Rutledge Fund. For more information about this program, please email Rebecca at or call the reference desk at 203-262-0626 ext 130.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


This program will be taking place on Zoom. The invitation links will be sent via email on the day of the program. To ensure that the invitation link reaches you, check your inbox for the registration confirmation email after signing up.