The library is closed indefinitely.

Information on the reopening will be provided when it is available.

The book drop is currently closed while the library is being cleaned. Please hold all returns or return them to any other Connecticut library for now. All Southbury fines will be waived. 

Homebound Services

Please give the name of a person to contact if you cannot be reached for an extended period.
Do you have a library card?
Indicate the primary reason you will need this service:
Format Desired (Check all that apply):
Please check the following for book/audiobook preferences
Adult Fiction
Adult Non-Fiction
Do you object to sexual content, violence or foul language in your library materials?
By clicking "I Agree," I understand that Homebound Service is offered only to the truly homebound. I hereby apply for such service and agree to be responsible for damage or loss of library materials charged to this library card.