Bulletin Board and Handout Display Area

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The purpose of the Southbury Public Library’s community bulletin board and handout display area is to provide a space to inform the public about local civic, educational, cultural, and recreational non-profit events. 

The library will not accept for display or handout: commercial or for profit posters and handouts or personal information (want ads, for sale ads, lost and found announcements and other personal notices) or partisan political, campaign literature, or religious materials.

The library may accept multiple copies of local, free newspapers or magazines. They will be displayed in the handout display area only. 

There is a designated bulletin board for non-profit posters and a designated area for non-profit handouts.  All items shall be brought to the first-floor circulation desk for approval by the Head Librarian or designee. Items approved will be stamped with the Southbury Public Library stamp. Any item placed on display that has not been approved will be discarded. Items will be posted or placed only in the two designated areas. Oversized posters may be rejected. 

Acceptance and display of materials by a particular group or organization do not constitute endorsement by the library or by the Town of Southbury. The Library does not assume responsibility for the preservation, protection, damage or theft of any items on the community bulletin board or handout display area.

This policy is subject to continuous review.

Adopted by Southbury Public Library Board of Directors July 7, 2004
Revised and approved by Southbury Public Board of Directors April 14, 2021

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